Certified Master Teacher CMT®

Acceptable use of the CMT® mark

A holder of the CMT® designation has met the requirements of the CMT® Program, is current with continuing professional development and recertification requirements, adheres to the Code, has not had the CMT® designation revoked, and is not currently in suspension.
The CMT® mark may only be used as adjectives to describe or qualify a person. The must accompany a person’s name. This marks may not be used as noun. It may not be used in plural form. It may not be incorporated into the name of an organization, website or email address. The CMT® letters must be capitalized.

While you hold the CMT® designation, you have the right to use the mark provided that you use it according to the ACCREDITOR Trademark Policy:

Example of proper usage: James Smith, CMT

Examples of improper usage: James Smith, cmt; James Smith, certified master teacher; James Smith is a CMT; Jamessmithcmt.com

Accreditor Code and Standards (Code)

The ACCREDITOR Code and Standards (“Code”) outlines our ethical guidelines. It is an agreement and not part of any ACCREDITOR exam. Applicants are asked to agree to this Code within the application, and agreement is a condition of acceptance as a Candidate.
ACCREDITOR adopted the Code to establish the highest Principles and standards for educators. These Principles, cited within the Code, are general statements expressing ethical and professional ideals that Certificants (individuals holding an ACCREDITOR certification), ACCREDITOR Applicants, ACCREDITOR Candidates, and ACCREDITOR employees (“employees”) agree to and are expected to display in their professional activities. ACCREDITOR Principles provide guidance for Certificants, Applicants, Candidates, and Employees: individuals who fall into any of these four groups individually as “Party”; collectively as “Parties”.

As such, these Principles are the foundational source from which other ACCREDITOR documents flow. As a set, these documents reflect the Code, and ACCREDITOR Certification Board expectations for the Parties to be accountable to all education stakeholders.


The Code applies to the Parties (see above). Violation of the Code may result in disciplinary action including suspension of certification, revocation of certification and/or termination of employment at ACCREDITOR. An ACCREDITOR Certificant is in good standing (and thus remaining certified) when in adherence to the Code and at the same time maintaining their ACCREDITOR credential.

Principle 1 – Honesty

We believe honesty to be of the utmost importance. From start to finish we expect the Parties to be 100% honest in everything they do relative to their work and to the field of education. Material misrepresentations on the application or other ACCREDITOR documents are grounds for revocation of the certification. This includes but is not limited to claiming a degree that the Applicant does not possess, or providing other false information that ACCREDITOR relied on or could rely on to make a decision.

Principle 2 – Integrity

We will be honest, impartial, objective, fair and unbiased in our professional dealings with others. We acknowledge that what we do in our professions and in the public eye affects others and the organizations with which we are affiliated. We will be mindful of this fact and maintain the highest standards of intellectual honesty and integrity in our professional conduct.
If a matter arises regarding actions that speak to the professional integrity of a Party and appear to potentially violate the Code, ACCREDITOR has the right to ask for information relevant to an investigation that it may conduct. The Party agrees to provide that information/evidence. Evidence may include clarifying information regarding representations in an application.

Evidence may include information relevant to determining whether there was a different type of violation of the Code. Information requested might include additional personal identifying information and any other evidence that serves to resolve the matter. However, ACCREDITOR is not obliged to conduct an investigation of Code violation.

Principle 3 – Objectivity

We acknowledge that nobody can anticipate every situation that may arise which could impair objectivity. Regardless of how such situations arise, we agree to always perform our professional services without bias and we will not allow any situation to unduly influence our professional judgment.

Principle 4 – Professional Competence and Due Care

We will maintain our professional knowledge and skills required to meet the highest standards of our profession to ensure the quality of our work. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that we are well prepared to adapt to new and continuing reasonable requirements in our professional capacity.

Principle 5 – Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Our Principle of confidentiality and non-disclosure obligates us to ensure that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. We acknowledge that our professional relationships are based on trust and that confidentiality is central to all our professional relationships. The Parties agree to be bound by non-disclosure of ACCREDITOR’s sensitive information, which includes ACCREDITOR’s test questions, ACCREDITOR practice exam materials including preparation quiz items, as well as its methods and processes with the exception of those made public by ACCREDITOR. In our roles as educators and employees of organizations such as ACCREDITOR, we agree to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality in practice today. We will also individually do everything under our control to stay informed as to how law may permit disclosure and how disclosure may affect interested parties.

Principle 6 – Professional Behavior

We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations to avoid any action that would discredit our respective professions. We will use the “reasonable person” standard when applying the Principle of professional behavior.

Principle 7 – Changes to Code and Standards

We acknowledge that from time to time, ACCREDITOR may make changes to the Code. We agree to keep abreast of these changes by visiting ACCREDITOR’s website at least once every six months and to notify ACCREDITOR if we do not agree to be bound to any changes that may be implemented. We acknowledge that non-compliance with the Code may be cause for termination of employment and/or ACCREDITOR professional certification(s), whichever applies.

Continuing Professional Education

ACCREDITOR requires continuing professional education (CPE) for its Certificants. The purpose of the CPE requirement is to assure continuing professional competence. Certificants agree to comply with ACCREDITOR’s continuing education program in order to remain certified. ACCREDITOR’s continuing education program is subject to periodic updates determined by the ACCREDITOR Certification Board.

Current Contact Information

The Parties agree to notify ACCREDITOR of changes to their respective contact information. This is required because ACCREDITOR must be able to directly inform the Parties of important changes to the Code, to issue reminders, or to inform a Party of a change to his or her certification status. The Parties agree to keep current their contact information stored by ACCREDITOR.

ACCREDITOR Intellectual Policy Guidelines

Certification marks, service marks and trademarks used by ACCREDITOR are assets that belong to Accreditor. They must be used properly as described above. Non-ACCREDITOR organizations and non-ACCREDITOR-certified individuals may not use these trademarks and other intellectual property to promote or describe any event, activity, service or product. Unauthorized use of Accreditor trademarks would incorrectly imply approval or endorsement by ACCREDITOR. Instances of unauthorized or improper use may be reported to ACCREDITOR through this site.

Verification of Status

We may verify your certification status to third parties that contact us. To be considered ACCREDITOR- certified, you must first earn an ACCREDITOR certification, Maintain Your Certification in good standing, and abide by the ACCREDITOR Code and Standards. We may at our convenience include on our site a way for anybody to discover whether an individual holds an ACCREDITOR certification by inputting a Certificant’s name and certification number.

CMT® is a trademark of Accreditor, Inc. (Accreditor) which reserves all rights.

Upon notice from ACCREDITOR that certification has been revoked or suspended, a holder of the CMT® designation agrees to immediately cease any use of the mark.


Accreditor, Inc. owns and/or is a licensee of a portfolio of copyrighted materials including but not limited to: certification study materials and content, certification exams, research, reports, frameworks and policy guidelines, graphics, images, text, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and training and professional development materials and content. All these materials are protected by United States and international copyright laws irrespective of form. Accreditor reserves all rights to its copyright materials. These materials may not be published, copied, broadcast, rewritten, modified, displayed, transmitted, stored or redistributed in whole or in part without the prior express written permission of Accreditor.

Accreditor content may only be used with written permission. All requests for permission to use any material should be addressed to: ACCREDITOR, 9002 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910.